ETQWPro 0.55b est là et corrige un certain nombre de bug :
- Fixed es_allowvehicle cvar
- Fixed moviemod commands
- Fixed scandemo
- Autoscreenshot, taking black screens at end of round fixed
- Fixed spread for the GPMG.
- Fixed es_fastrevives
- Auto Screenshots wont take screens while playing back a demo
- Removed Clantag from autodemo and autorecord name, since those could break the filesystem
- Fixed Third person Crosshair is not being drawn anymore
- Fixed Readyteam unreadies readied players
- Fixed crash when connecting to a TV Server
New Features
- Endgame Screen reworked
- Autoscreenshot reworked use (g_autoScreenshotNameFormat for name format)
- removed clantag from demo / screenshot name, since this could break the file system.
- Added ec_showSightModel - Show weapon sight model
- Added ec_showWeaponModel - Show non-sighted weapon model
- Removed ui_showGun ( see ec_showWeaponModel / ec_showSightModel ) thx to pie!
- if headshot mode enabled, no body hitsounds are being played
- Added ec_showStroggSightEffect (enable / disable the strogg sight effect)
- autoDemoRecord will now start recordíng if you enter a running game.
- autoDemoRecord will now stop recording after the review and not while review
- es_allowvehicles changed!
- 0 = forbid all
- 1 = allow all
- 2 = no air vehicles (includes bumblebee, anansi, tormentor)
- 3 = no heavy vehicles (includes titan, desecrator, Cyclops)
- 4 = use the es_allowvehicle* cvars
- forbidden vehicles wont be spawned into the level! Of course for everyone's pleasure, this is not be done in warmup mode!
- Added a new Tab Page where you can adjust clientside ETQWPro cvars.
Télécharger ETQWPro 0.55b