Quake.Fr - Quake Wars Enemy Territory


Game Scanner 1.27
clockEcrit par Poil | clock2008-12-15 13:29:10
La version 1.27 de cet excellent browser vient de sortir et apporte quelques nouveautés :
  • Fixed a bug with color encoding draw code
  • Fixed XP bug when restoring the window from task tray
  • Fixed to support Gold Source (Counter Strike) games since the update that was done by Valve/Steam(?). 
  • Added support for player time column for Gold Source and Source engine based games.
  • Fixed a bug when parsing Half-Life server, now HF1 servers should be received properly.
  • Added gametype for Quake 2 servers.
  • Changed how Quake 2 recieves it servers (now you should see approx 278 servers), thanks to Worm for pointing this out.
Travail en cours (pas complétement implémenté)
  • Unreal Tournament 3 query (Gamespy)

Télécharger Gamme Scanner 1.27


j'en c rien
clockEcrit par etienne01290 | clock2008-12-31 21:28:40
je m'en fiche
Développé par Poil - Graphismes de DarkDaV - Icônes sous licence Creative Commons (famfam, nuovo ...)
Durée de génération : 1.4644470214844 secondes