Quake.Fr - Quake Wars Enemy Territory


ETQWPro 0.55a
clockEcrit par Poil | clock2008-05-28 08:15:04
Une version mineur d'ETQWPro est sortie, elle apporte peu de nouveauté :

  • Fixed third person Crosshair not showing up anymore
  • Fixed readyteam bug
  • es_autorecord now stops at the end of round
New Features
  • es_mod_grenade_count has been reworked. 0 = vanilla grenade count, 1 = etqwpro grenade count, 2 = 2 nades for every class, 3 = no nades
  • now displaying the time that remains, until a locked vehicle is useable again!
  • autorecording will now use Splashdamge's way of demo naming. (g_autoDemoNameFormat)
  • Megatextures are now downloaded to the base directory, and not the mod directory
Télécharger ETQWPro 0.55a


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Développé par Poil - Graphismes de DarkDaV - Icônes sous licence Creative Commons (famfam, nuovo ...)
Durée de génération : 1.3422498703003 secondes